Electric Vehicles

Are you considering an EV?

Electric Vehicles

AEL&P has an electric vehicle rate that allows customers to charge their EV during off-peak hours at a reduced rate. We even have charging equipment available for rent. Whether you are just looking or already own an electric vehicle, check out the options below that work best for you, or contact our EV expert at 907.463.6303.

For EV related documents click here.

Option #1 • RATE 93 & 94

You install only the 240V circuit and receptacle necessary for a Level II charger and rent a charging station from AEL&P that is pre-wired to a meter base and will plug into the receptacle you provide. With this option, you avoid having to pay for the charging station up-front, and if you are able to divert 8,000 miles worth of charging annually, you will save enough to pay for the $10.86/month rental charge. Any additional miles shifted into evening hours provide additional savings.

Option #2 • RATE 93 Only

You install your own Level II charging station with a meter base in an exterior, accessible location along the circuit supplying that meter base. With this option, once you receive a signed inspection for the work, AEL&P will install a meter into the meter base and measure the energy delivered by the charging station during evening hours.

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