Power lines can be deadly. Never touch downed power lines! Immediately call 911 if you see lines down, or AEL&P at 907.780.2222 or our after-hours number at 586-AELP.
Keep away from downed or sagging power lines. If possible to do so safely, keep people and pets away from downed or sagging lines.
Always keep a minimum of 30 feet away from any downed or sagging power line.
If your vehicle comes into contact with a downed line, STAY IN THE VEHICLE until utility personnel arrive. Do not attempt to exit vehicle unless it is absolutely necessary for survival.
If you must exit the vehicle, do NOT touch the vehicle and the ground at the same time. Stand on the edge of the door frame and jump with both feet away from the vehicle without touching any part of the vehicle. Continue to hop away with both feet in small jumps until at least 30 feet from the power line.