Easy Pay Option
AEL&P can automatically process your payment straight from your checking or saving account on the day of the month that you request. You will receive email notifications throughout the process. Here's how to get started.
Download an Easy Pay Form
Pick a day of the month when your payment is to be automatically made. Make sure the date is well in advance of when AEL&P normally bills your account (ideally more than 5 days from your bill generates). If your selected payment date occurs on a weekend or holiday, your payment will be made the first available business day following your selected payment date.
Authorize a maximum amount. This ensures that if your usage is unusually high, or if there is a billing error, the automatic withdrawal will not exceed your authorized max. AEL&P suggests you set this max at 25% over your highest bill. We can give you that figure if you need it. Note: Easy Pay will cover your bill up to the maximum payment you set. Any balance over the maximum must be paid separately by the due date to avoid late fees/finance charges.
Self-levelized option: If you want to pay the same amount every month, regardless of your bill amount, then you can set both the minimum and maximum dollar amount to your average monthly bill amount. Example: If your average bill amount is $150, enter $150 in both the minimum and maximum field. You will then pay that amount every month and level out your higher winter bills. You will want to start this in the spring to build up an adequate credit for winter. To get your average bill amount call our office at 907.759.5900.
Email (or mail) the completed authorization form to AEL&P along with a voided check (or image of the voided check). Pay your AEL&P statements as you do now until your statement indicates that Easy Pay has been implemented. This typically takes up to one billing cycle.
AEL&P will include a message on your statement when the statement is scheduled for automatic payment. You'll find it where you normally write in your payment amount. AEL&P will send an e-mail to let you know the total amount of your bill when it's issued, and also when the automatic transaction is sent to your bank for processing.
If you need to make changes to your pending easy pay payment, please email us (or use the contact form below) at least 3 days PRIOR to your scheduled payment date. Changes related to future payments such as your maximum payment amount and payment date can be made using this website. Click here to access My Accounts. Use your password to access your Easy Pay account information.
Your billing statement is your official notification of electronic transactions and the status of your account. You can change your e-mail address through the My Accounts feature on this website or contact us using the form below. AEL&P is not responsible for email delivery delays or failures that are beyond our control. Be sure to whitelist AEL&P and to check your spam folder if you have not received an email.
If you have additional questions, call Customer Service at 907.759.5900, or email us via the contact form below.
Note: In the case of an erroneous debit, you must contact your bank within sixty (60) days of receiving your account statement containing the error. Your bank must investigate and resolve the error within forty-five (45) days, but if it has not done so within ten (10) days, your account should be re-credited for the amount in question while your bank finishes the investigation.