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About Us

AEL&P's parent company, Alaska Energy and Resources Company (AERC), is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Avista Corp., a Spokane, Wash.-based energy company that also services eastern Washington, northern Idaho, and parts of southern and eastern Oregon. AEL&P produces 100 percent of its base-load generation through clean, renewable, and low-cost hydropower.

This is accomplished through five hydropower plants: Snettisham, Lake Dorothy, Annex Creek, Salmon Creek, and Gold Creek. Of those, Snettisham is the largest, with a maximum peak output of 78 megawatts and an average annual energy output of 295 million kilowatt hours.

A Glorious Past Leads to a Bright Future

Alaska Electric Light and Power Company (AEL&P) provides retail electric service for approximately 17,000 customers in the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska.

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